CHICAGO, July 29, 2008 - Catholic voters attuned to speculation over possible vice presidential candidates are expressing concern over reports that Senator Barack Obama is seriously considering a pro-abortion Catholic as his running mate. According to Fidelis, a national Catholic based advocacy group, such a choice would represent a major insult to Catholic voters who are still evaluating his candidacy.

"The choice of a pro-abortion Catholic for vice president would deal a major blow to any efforts by the Obama campaign to reach out to Catholic voters," said Brian Burch, President of Fidelis. "Both the bishops and the laity continue to wrestle with the scandal of prominent Catholic politicians who support abortion, and the choice of a pro-abortion Catholic running mate would amount to scratching at a deep and festering wound in the American Catholic Church."

Most recently, Virginia Governor Tim Kaine has been discussed as a good fit for Obama given his Catholic faith and purported "pro-life" views.

"Tim Kaine deserves some credit for supporting a ban on partial birth abortion, but he has also made clear that he is totally committed to protecting the right to kill unborn children, in direct opposition to his Church," said Burch.

"Opposing the barbaric practice of infanticide is better than Barack Obama, but it hardly qualifies one as pro-life," said Burch. "Sadly Kaine represents yet another politician who professes to be 'personally opposed' yet refuses to back any meaningful efforts to stop abortion in America."

Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius also has received attention as a possible running mate, yet her own Bishop recently asked that she refrain from receiving communion because of her heavy handed opposition to any effort to protect women and children from the tragedy of abortion. The Catholic governor was also recently exposed for hosting notorious late term abortion doctor George Tiller at the governor's mansion.

Separately, Senators Joe Biden and Chris Dodd have both been mentioned as possible vice presidential picks. Both Senators are notorious supporters of abortion with consistent voting records in support of abortion. Dodd also recently insulted millions of Catholics by receiving communion during the papal mass celebrated by Benedict XVI.

"Given his position on abortion, everyone expects Senator Obama to select a pro-abortion vice presidential candidate. But the choice of a Catholic who publicly rejects the teachings of their faith on this 'foundational' issue could be disastrous," said Burch. "Just ask John Kerry or Rudy Giuliani."

(Source: Fidelis)